A practical guide for the correct office cleaning

Order and cleanliness in the office is essential, not only to work properly and in a healthy environment but also to make a good impression on potential clients who come to visit us. However, office cleaning is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Hence, many businessmen decide to hire cleaning companies to clean their offices in Sydney. They prefer this option to leave this aspect in the hands of an individual.
And why is it so complicated?
Well, because in the office there are a large number of sensitive elements and materials that must be treated with great care. But also with a determination to be able to carry out the sanitation work well. This article is intended to be a small practical guide with tips and advice for proper cleaning of the office and its most delicate parts. We hope this helps you.
How to clean the most delicate parts of the office
How to properly clean your computer screen
If there is something that we are going to find in an office, it is computers. And one of the most delicate parts when cleaning is the screens.
We must make sure that we remove all the dust and also the traces that may have been attached to it.
When cleaning the computer screen, the most important thing is the cloth that we use. So you have to make sure that it is a microfiber cloth. If you don’t have one on hand, both toilet paper and kitchen paper would work, although they can leave some residue. We recommend that the product be a universal ecological cleaner or a specific liquid for treating screens that do not have alcohol or soap. This is extremely şişli escort important.
To clean the screen, instead of spraying the product directly on it as we usually do with other surfaces, we must put it on the cloth and gently pass it over the screen until the dirt and fingerprints have disappeared.
How to clean the keyboard
These are the parts that get dirty the most in an office because they are in direct contact with the fingers and, depending on the case, sometimes even those of over one person. The good news is that cleaning it is very simple.
To carry out the cleaning of the computer keyboard, you must first make sure that the PC is turned off. Then you just have to turn it over and shake it very gently, in this way all the particles that may have gotten into the cracks of the keys will come out. Now take a damp microfiber cloth and gently wipe the entire surface of the keyboard. Then dry and you will be completely ready.
How to clean the printer
The printer is cleaned in a very simple way. The first thing to do is remove the dust from the surface with a microfiber cloth, for example. The inner part, where the glass that belongs to the scanner is, can be cleaned with a soft cloth and a little alcohol.
Keep in mind that the product should never be placed directly on this glass, but rather on the cloth that we are going to use for cleaning. It is a fairly simple but highly effective procedure and it ends right here. The deepest cleaning of the printer is a technical issue that is the responsibility of professionals who are experts in the field.
How to clean desk chairs
Desk chairs are one of the elements that can collect more bacteria and germs. So it is important to clean them thoroughly from time to time.
To do this, the first thing we must do is remove the dust from the chairs by vacuuming them. Now we will dedicate ourselves to treating the stains directly. We can do it with a dry stain remover, with a cloth that has soap, or also with a homemade mixture of hot water and baking soda.
We apply the product carefully. If it can be used a soft bristle brush, let the solution act for about 5 minutes or so. Then we remove what is left with a piece of cloth. It doesn’t have to be a microfiber cloth. Now it’s just a matter of waiting. However, do not forget that the chair is much more than just upholstery, so wipe both the wheels and the different plastic parts of it with a damp microfiber cloth.
How to clean the blinds
It is very common for offices to have blinds, especially Venetian type. To clean this type of blind, there is a special brush that has elongated rods that allow us to reach all parts. You can buy them anywhere and they are very practical. Using it is very simple and in a single pass, we can clean several slats.
For much deeper cleaning, you can try the following: turn the sheets for you and pass a brush to remove dust. If you prefer, you can also use a vacuum cleaner or even a towel. Then pass a damp microfiber cloth to remove all dirt, mainly fingerprints or stains. To keep these blinds in perfect condition, it is necessary to carry out periodic cleaning. For all other blinds, all you need is a little patience and a damp microfiber cloth.
How to clean upholstered furniture
This is one of the most complex tasks of office cleaning, however, to keep the environment in good condition, it is necessary to address it. In this sense, periodicity is the most important factor because it is of little or no use to leave all the cleaning for a single moment. The ideal thing is that we pass the vacuum cleaner every day on top of the upholstery. Then, the cleaning, which will be done less frequently, maybe once or twice a week depending on the traffic of people in the office, will be done depending on the type of material. If it is a common upholstery, we can use a steam cleaner or a system suitable for cleaning upholstery. If it is natural leather, it will be necessary to use specific products for the care of this material.
Critical points of office cleaning
Apart from the aforementioned areas, they are usually the most delicate and difficult to treat. There are also others that are especially important when running a professional office cleaning program. It’s all about the hot spots.
It could be said that the critical points of the office are all those through which many people pass. Or those objects used by the staff who work in them.
In this sense, bathrooms, for example, are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Therefore, depending on the number of people who work in the office, they have to be cleaned between one and two times a day. And always use disinfectant products and take care that all the bins are empty.
If there are stairs or an elevator in the building, pay close attention to them. Although at first glance it seems not, there are actually certain elements, such as the railings or the elevator buttons that can harbor hundreds of bacteria in an apparently innocent way.
The vending machine or the coffee maker area are also very delicate areas that must be treated with special care. It is important to emphasize that in this type of common area, disinfection is key, so products for this purpose should be on hand. Ionized water is usually an ultra-economical and very effective option. However, there are also more conventional products that can help us.
To finish, we will make a brief summary of what is considered hot spots in offices:
coffee makers
Vending machines
We hope that this small practical guide has been helpful to you. And that you can understand in a global way how cleaning should be carried out in the office in relation to its critical points. So how to treat the most delicate surfaces and elements.
In any case, we want to remind you that at SCS Group Integrated Services. We are specialists in office cleaning in Sydney and we have qualified personnel to attend to your needs. If the occasion arises, we will love to serve you and advise you on what you need.
Thank you very much for trusting SCS Group Integrated Services.