Seasonal Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Once the snow will melt and the cold will dissipate. The warm sun will begin to warm the world around you and allow you to start your spring chores.But where do you start? It might seem like you have a million and one things on your to-do list, and that’s okay. If your list was not complete, we would be worried.The key to a successful Spring Home Care Checklist or home maintenance is knowing everything you need to look for and where to start.
We’ve put together a checklist full of spring home care tips to make this task a little more bearable.
Annual home maintenance tips for the outdoors in the spring.
Winter weather wreaks more havoc on your home’s outside than it does on the interior, so get started marking off items on this spring home care checklist as soon as possible!
Replace the wood goods’ seals.
Decking and other wooden structures are frequently coated with snow, sleet, slush, and other elements in the winter, which can severely damage the overall composition of wooden structures and finishes.
Examine any wood flooring, trim, or other wood structures outside your home for signs of warping, staining, or discoloration. If there are any, the wood seal has most likely worn off and it is time to reseal it.
If you have a wooden deck and are unsure whether it needs to be sealed, simply pour some water on it. If water is collecting in bubbles, the seal is most likely still intact. And you can wait a few months or a year before re-sealing the deck. You’ll need to re-seal your deck come spring if the water doesn’t bubble up
Materials with difficult terrain should be studied.
Concrete, asphalt, and other paved materials do not fare well in the winter due to the continual freezing and thawing. These changes in weather and temperature can cause concrete cracking and water seepage.
Outside, take a walk around the house, paying special attention to the driveway and the materials that make up the landscape and yard. If you discover any cracks, patch them up right away to avoid further harm.
Cracks are not good for concrete. You can fix the concrete (for example, little cracks in the driveway), but if the cracks cannot be healed, you may have to replace it.
Make sure the air conditioner is working properly.
If you live in a frigid climate, it’s likely that you haven’t turned on the air conditioner in a long time. You might even be able to leave the windows open for a few more weeks. While this is an excellent way to save energy, you should still inspect your air conditioner to ensure that it is operational when you need it.
To properly inspect and adjust the air conditioner, contact a competent HVAC expert. This will guarantee that your air conditioner is ready to use when you need it most. As well as helping to extend the life of your entire system!
Examine the hot water heater.
A leaking water heater is the last thing anyone wants. It can damage the floor it is standing on if not managed properly, resulting in more costly repairs. If you find water or rust around the water heater, you should have it inspected by a professional.
If not addressed immediately, these minor leaks and rust indicators can lead to sludge build-up and major future problems.
Make sure the oven is clean.
It’s likely that your stove and fireplace have seen a lot of use in recent months. You won’t be using your stove system for several months now that spring has arrived.
Cleaning your oven’s filtration system, fan, and engine in the spring is ideal. This is also a good time to engage in a chimney sweep before the summer sun makes cleaning even more difficult than it already is.
You may not need to complete all of the tasks on this Spring Home Maintenance Checklist. It’s always a good idea to double-check everything to ensure a sturdy foundation.