Everything about Organic Coffee

Globally, the organic movement is changing the way people buy food. Is it appropriate for them to also search for organic versions of coffee if they often scan the grocery store aisles for their favorites?

Yes! is the natural response.

What’s the point of keeping to the organic standard for everything but coffee? Doesn’t everything grown without pesticides taste better? In most cases, yes, but when it comes to coffee, there’s more to it.

What will people get to learn from this blog?

  1. Organic Coffee Meaning
  2. How is it processed? 
  3. The roasting
  4. Types
  5. Organic Certification
  6. Market Share

Let’s begin with what is organic coffee?

This concept is the cultivation of coffee without adding synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, on land allowed to decontaminate itself naturally, without the use of genetically modified organisms, and subsequently processed without the use of chemicals.

How is it processed?

The two methods of processing organic coffee are dry milling and wet milling. The process of dry milling involves separating beans from their dried berries. In either case, the drying occurs through a machine or by sunlight. A wet milling process is costly, time-consuming, and not environmentally friendly (uses a lot of freshwaters to wash the grains) unless it applies to coffee beans, which do not require any chemicals. Although this method doesn’t guarantee high-quality gourmet beans, big companies often use it to produce them.

The roasting:

The roasting process involves sorting, roasting, cooling, stabilizing, and packaging coffee. Drum roasting and hot-air roasting are both methods of roasting coffee. A roaster that adheres to organic principles does not use chemicals, salts, gases, flavors, or additives during this stage. 


People often know that there are varieties of organic coffee available in the market. Listed below are some of the best types. 

Shade-grown organic coffee: Tropical forests provide a natural shade for the cultivation of this variety. There is slow growth, but the coffee is tastier and more flavorful. Aside from its environmental benefits, this coffee uses no chemicals and does not destroy forests during production. The taste is also richer than regular coffee. Organic Shade-Grown Coffee comes in a few varieties named after their various farming methods. A few of them are organic rustic, organic polyculture, and organic specialized or reduced shade. Since it has less availability, it is more expensive.

Bird-friendly: The production is much like shade-grown organic coffee. However, a Bird-Friendly certification ensures the protection of birds and habitats by encouraging 5,100 farmers to grow 34 million pounds of coffee in 11 countries. 

Kona organic coffee: This organic Kona coffee comes from a volcanic region on Hawaii’s Big Island, where the volcanic soil is fertile. Kona Coffee is an organic product grown without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides. In addition to soil fertility (enriched by volcanic ash and lava), organic fertilizers, and biotic pest control methods, they are 100% dependent on these factors. Due to the climate and soil in that region, it has a unique taste and flavor. The Pea-Berry variety of Organic Kona Coffee is the best. Be sure to look for the certificate of authenticity and the words “100% Organic Kona Coffee” on the packet.

Green organic coffee: It consists of coffee plants grown organically.  The coffee beans are raw and unroasted. Processing (fermentation, washing, etc.) is chemical-free. Good soil, the right altitude, the climate, and the right processing method determine the taste of organic green coffees. These coffees are also rich in antioxidants. It contains Chlorogenic Acid. In addition, it has a greater ability to neutralize free radicals than green tea antioxidants.  It helps boost metabolism and energizes the body after fatigue due to its high caffeic acid content.  Colonial Caranavi, Cenaproc, Kenyan AA, Tarrazu, Yirgacheffe, Peaberry, Antigua, and Altura are among the varieties.

The certification

While purchasing, certification is an essential factor to consider. If people choose to buy it, they must ensure that the pack comes with a valid certificate issued by a recognized certification organization. Some of the recognized ones may operate in various regions, but here are some:

  • Bio Suisse Standards
  • European Organic Regulations (EU 2092/91)
  • Export Certificates for Japan (JAS Equivalent)
  • Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS)
  • Indian National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)
  • IOFAM Basic Standards
  • Quebec Organic Reference Standard (CAAQ)
  • USDA National Organic Program (NOP)

The Global Market Share

According to Astute Analytica’s report, the global organic coffee market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. As it becomes more popular with millennials, the market is experiencing significant growth.

It still has a long way to go before it reaches the market share of regular coffee, but it is steadily increasing. At present, it makes up around 0.5% of the total coffee market share.

Whenever people choose between Regular Coffee and Organic Coffee, organic-coffee is always a better choice because it is good for the environment and the health. It’s worth paying a few extra dollars for this goodness, so continue to push it! 

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