How To Qualify For Medical Marijuana In Alabama

Alabama joins several states like California, Colorado, Michigan that have legalized medical cannabis for their residents with terminal illnesses. That’s after Governor Ivey approved SB 46 into law. While some states have also approved recreational weed use, Alabama’s bill will not allow that.
Alabama’s residents need to know that this marijuana bill signed by their governor allows only cannabis use for medicinal purposes. It also highlights that it doesn’t allow “recreational use of weed, and it’s a considerable threat to public health. That’s why the lawmakers initiated a heavy penalty for anyone found violating this law.
Who Qualifies For An Alabama MMJ Card?
Now that this bill is out, one of the questions people will be asking is; will this card be available for everyone that feels they deserve a little bit of weed? No. That’s not how it’s going to work here. Not everyone who gets some backache will qualify for the cannabis card. We’ll enlighten you who qualifies for the Alabama MMJ card below:
What Is An Alabama MMJ Card?
Why are we talking about Alabama medical cannabis cards, and how will it help you? If you have been suffering from particular deliberating illnesses, then this is for you. Have you been taking conventional treatments that couldn’t relieve your symptoms? Then listen up. This card will be your ticket to accessing natural relief.
But the state will expect you as a patient to have consent and recommendation from your physician. Then you’ll have to register as a qualifying patient in the form of Alabama; they will process the card and send it to you upon approval.
How to Obtain A Medical Marijuana Card in Alabama
As the process of issuing medical cannabis cards in Alabama is underway, you must understand how to get medical marijuana in Alabama.
- You must be an Alabama’s resident with proof of that.
- Unlike other states, Alabama requires its applicants to be 19 years old and not 18 years old.
- To be considered for this card, you must qualify for some of the diseases stipulated by this state.
Qualifying Conditions For Alabama’s Resident
This new cannabis law in Alabama legalizes medical weed for adults and minors with certain conditions. And this has to be under a doctor’s recommendation. While these totals to 16 approved states, some of them include:
- Depression.
- Panic disorder
- Tourette’s syndrome.
- Crohn’s disease
- Cancer
- Parkinson’s disease.
- Sickle cell anaemia.
So, if you’re a patient with these illnesses, you must get legal approval to use the drug from a licensed physician.
Get a Doctor’s Recommendation.
Although this is an ongoing program, doctors will have to pass a medical cannabis exam to diagnose their patients. They will have to determine that other therapies have failed to relieve the current symptoms. And if they find that weed is the only option here, they will register the patients with the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission.
After Alabama establishes specific certification qualifications for their physicians, they will require them to meet that. That’s in addition to the extensive training they’re giving them at the moment.
Start the Application
Once a qualified doctor certifies you, he will register you with the Commission. And the registration application will include a form that needs filling. After that, the CBD patient must pay an application fee that has not been set yet. But then it’s likely going to be $65.
Qualifying patients who get the MJJ card in Alabama will have access to the following category of weed products:
Tinctures, capsules and oral tablets.
- Topicals like gels, oils, and creams
- Nebulizers
- Suppositories
- Transdermal patches
- Liquid or oil inhalers
However, patients can’t smoke, vape, or put the weed in food.
What’s The Amount Of Dosage Allowed?
Currently, Alabama’s doctors can prescribe up to 12 months of weed at a time. And it will be up to the Commission to decide how long that prescription will last before renewal.
So, this is how it will look like: The patient’s daily dosage will not exceed 50 milligrams of THC. But if the doctor determines that it’s appropriate to administer more than this to his patient, he can bump this daily dosage to 75 milligrams. THC (a compound that makes you feel high) exceeds 75 milligrams, can affect a person’s state of mind; the patient who takes this and drives will get their license suspended.
Which Benefits Will An MMJ Card in Alabama Have?
After knowing how to get medical weed in Alabama, now get to know some of the benefits you’ll have for being a holder.
Effective Treatment
You’ll have nothing to lose if you receive an MMJ card but everything to gain if you’re suffering from one or more of the qualifying conditions above. Why not get natural relief when other treatments have failed you? But you’ll have to find a trained physician in Alabama who’s willing to help you with the treatment regimen.
Medical Access
Upon receiving your MMJ card, you’ll access the medical weed products recommended by your physician across the state. So, you no longer have to hide or feel guilty accessing this as your state now authorizes it. There will be several dispensaries around Alabama for easy access to patients. And these facilities provide the patient with the product confidence purchase.
Legal Protection
An Alabama MMJ cardholder will have the legal right to purchase, consume and transport the medical in the state. All you need is to show your card to law enforcement if need be, and you’ll be safe.
In Conclusion, for a long time now, medical cannabis legalization has been what Alabamians have been yearning for, for many years. So, if you’re one of them, and haven’t applied for an MMJ card, start your registration. Now that you understand how to get medical marijuana in Alabama, get on it, and unlock natural relief.