Alcohol withdrawal: Natural treatments

In the US, 5 million people believe they have medical, psychological or social problems related to excessive alcohol consumption (around 7.7% of the French population). In this article, we offer you natural solutions that will help you stop drinking alcohol.
What does alcohol withdrawal consist of?
Alcohol addiction
Before weaning, there is the phenomenon of dependence. Addiction is a pathological condition where the body is unable to function physiologically apart from the consumption of the responsible substance. It starts in the brain and is accompanied by the release of certain chemicals by neurons (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Dependence creates a state of craving and pushes the body to demand the absorption of a product as quickly as possible and increase the doses as and when taken.
The addictive power of a product is also to be taken into account. Indeed, it is about its capacity to produce addiction among consumers. Alcohol has an addictive power estimated at 15% and is very close to the addictive power of tobacco.
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Alcohol withdrawal
Then, when there is the cessation of the dependent substance, there is the period of withdrawal. More specifically, it is the period during which a person suffering from addiction completely stops taking the product (s) on which he or she depends and thus presents symptoms such as tremors, anxiety, restlessness, depression, nausea or a general state of malaise.
In parallel with the various therapies that will be offered in the rest of this article, it is important to know that you can be accompanied by an addictologist and/or a psychologist, a psychiatrist, the attending physician, a hepatologist, or a gastroenterologist in order to optimize the weaning period as well as possible. Indeed, the practitioners consulted will then be able to help you in different ways, each having something more to contribute during this period.
1. Plants as an intermediate in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal
Many plants are available to experience more serene weaning, the most famous being Kudzu. Kudzu is a plant native to Southeast Asia, very present in India, Japan, and China. Its power lies within its root.
In addition, Kudzu root exhibits amazing detoxifying properties. Certainly, it makes it possible to fight against the oxidative stress generated by the consumption of alcohol or even cigarettes by stimulating the action of various enzymes allowing the cleansing of the human body.
Finally, it helps regulate transit and is hepatoprotective (liver protection), thus facilitating the elimination of harmful substances.
In terms of how much and when to take, 300 mg in the morning before breakfast and 300 mg in the evening before bed are sufficient to give satisfactory results.
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The addictive power of a product is also to be taken into account. Indeed, it is about its capacity to produce addiction among consumers. Alcohol has an addictive power estimated at 15% and is very close to the addictive power of tobacco. Please make a comment if you found this helpful.