5 Most Common Landlord Tenant Disputes in Van Nuys

Getting into an argument with your landlord or tenant can be stressful and expensive. There are many resources that help landlords and tenants avoid such disputes altogether. In case the dispute does come to pass, you need to deal with it as quickly and as effectively as possible.
Landlord Tenant Disputes can be tricky to navigate when both parties aren’t in the same city, state, or even country. If you’re in Los Angeles and your tenant in New York refuses to pay their rent, you might find yourself with an empty apartment and no way to force them to pay.
Here are five of the most common landlord tenant disputes in Van Nuys, CA, and what you can do about them.
Landlord Tenant Disputes on Pets
Pets are usually a landlord’s nightmare. Most landlords have an expectation that when they rent to someone, that person is only going to be living there with them. If you have a pet, most likely your landlord will not be too thrilled about it.
Usually if they find out after you move in, they can evict you for violating your lease.
Property Damage
It doesn’t matter how careful you are, accidents happen. If you accidentally damage your landlord’s property (while living there), make sure to be up front about it and notify them immediately.
That said, make sure to document what happened—with photos or videos—just in case your landlord decides not to act on it right away. By documenting, you also ensure that you have evidence of an existing condition if it does come up later.
That said, keep your conversations civil and remember that no one is winning any points for being right here so try not to get too riled up.
In case you are facing this issue you can hire a landlord tenant attorney in Van Nuys to get your rights!
Noise Complaints Landlord Tenant Disputes
The most common landlord tenant disputes will probably be over security deposits. California has specific regulations regarding security deposits.
For example, landlords cannot take any part of a deposit to cover normal wear and tear. If landlords violate these regulations, tenants can sue to get their money back along with attorney fees and statutory damages that range from $200-$600 per violation!
Most importantly, if you are fighting with your landlord over security deposits or any other portion of your rental agreement; you must follow all eviction rules when it comes to filing complaints. If you do not follow all eviction rules correctly when it comes to filing complaints against your landlord; there is a possibility that you could lose your lawsuit even if your case is strong!
Security Deposits
Nearly every state has specific rules and requirements about how much a landlord can collect as a security deposit and when it must be returned.
State laws also vary as to whether landlords must place deposits in separate bank accounts.
Disagreement over normal wear and tear is perhaps one of the most common landlord tenant disputes over security deposits. In this tenants feel like their landlords have withheld money for no good reason.
When negotiating a lease, both tenants and landlords should understand what constitutes normal wear and tear – but disagreements do happen.
In Van Nuys landlord tenant attorney can help you to get your deserving rights in case your landlord is creating problems.
Lease Violations
One of the most common landlord tenant disputes between landlords and tenants is simply staying past a lease’s expiration date. When you hand over your security deposit at move-in; you typically agree to follow whatever rules are set forth in your lease agreement.
That means paying rent on time, treating your rental unit with care, not subletting without landlord permission, etc. It also means moving out by whatever date has been agreed upon at move-in; even if it’s sooner than your lease’s expiration date.
The Final Verdict…
There are several common landlord tenant disputes that can arise between landlords and tenants. Most landlord tenant disputes involve the following issues: security deposits, non-payment of rent, and noise complaints, among others.
Hope this article helps you to know major landlord tenant disputes in California!
See also this article >>>> https://www.acuteblog.com/2021/09/05/how-children-can-be-affected-from-domestic-violence/