Bleeding During Pregnancy
Although bleeding during pregnancy does not mean that there is a health problem, you should always contact your midwife or doctor. If you experience bleeding from your vagina since you should know the reason behind the bleeding. Here is a brief discussion about bleeding during pregnancy that will give you an idea about it.
Implantation Bleeding
In your earliest stage of pregnancy, the fetus plants itself in the wall of your womb. At this time, you might experience some bleeding that is often called implantation bleeding. If you did not conceive, you would have experienced your first period. In a time like within a month around which is the time for implantation bleeding if you conceive.
Bleeding During the First Twelve Weeks of Pregnancy
The first twelve weeks of pregnancy is a time when bleeding from the vagina can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in an abnormal place or position. This may happen if the fetus implants in the fallopian tube or outside the womb. However, it has also been seen that many pregnant women who bleed during this time of their pregnancy, have successful pregnancies. There are various causes at various stages of bleeding during pregnancy.
Cervical Ectropion and Bleeding
The narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus has many cells that are usually changed during pregnancy. Those changes make the cervix more likely to bleed, and the bleeding is seen exclusively after sexual intercourse. These changes in the cells of the cervix are not harmful, and they are rather natural, and the process is called cervical ectropion. Bleeding because of cervical ectropion is often a part of during pregnancy. If you have any kind of infection in your vagina, you can experience a small amount of bleeding.
Bleeding before Contractions Start
A plug of mucus seals the cervix from the starting of the pregnancy. The plug comes away during late pregnancy. When this comes away, you may experience a small amount of bleeding mixed with mucus from your vagina that is called a show. It is a sign that your cervix is becoming ready for the first stage of labor to start through this type of bleeding. This type of bleeding during pregnancy might come to you during labor or several days before you start contractions.
Placental Abruption
Placental abruption may cause bleeding during pregnancy. The placenta is a flattened, circular organ in the uterus of a pregnant woman, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord. Placental abruption is a serious condition when the placenta starts to come away from inside. The wall of the womb that also causes pain in the stomach. If it happens close to the delivery date of your baby, placental abruption may cause early birth to your baby.
Bleeding for Surrogate Mothers
In the surrogacy process, the surrogate mothers carry and give birth baby for their intended parents. Thus the eggs and sperms fertilize in IVF their place into the surrogate’s uterus in 4-5 weeks so there are still possibilities of bleeding. However, if you are working as a surrogate and facing bleeding issues you might contract with your agency and visit your surrogacy clinic as soon as possible. Thus pregnancy is a sensitive journey and it is harder for surrogate mothers so you should not waste your time. Learn more about surrogate mothers on mamma surrogata.
How to Find out the Causes of Bleeding During Pregnancy
In order to find out the causes of your vaginal bleeding, you will need to have a vaginal examination; a pelvic examination, blood tests, and an ultrasound scan so that the doctor can check your hormone levels. These tests are some major causes of bleeding during pregnancy. The gynecologist might ask you some questions like your pain, dizziness, and cramp though you should be aware of the fact that sometimes, all the investigations and testing might not find any reason behind the bleeding during pregnancy.
Other causes of bleeding during pregnancy may include placenta praevia or a low-lying placenta, and vasa praevia. If you are in serious and continuous bleeding, you will be hospitalized so the doctors and the staff can keep you under monitoring the condition of you and your baby.